C'mere a minute, I have to speak to you.

I’m not gonna lie to you folks, I’ve about exhausted my repertoire of persuasive rhetoric in convincing you to come the Bushwick Rooftop Festival. I’ve appealed to your laziness and gluttony and your insecurity. I’ve mocked your poverty and tugged at your heartstrings. At this point, if you don’t want to come to the Bushwick Rooftop Festival, I don’t know what else there is to say.
Except for this: what else are you gonna do?
I know, it’s Memorial Day weekend and you’ve been invited to a million different things. Probably barbecues for the most part. Maybe even a barbecue hosted by the rich family of that girl you’re shtupping and you need to make a good impression. Well the Bushwick Rooftop Festival is a barbecue too. Really, we’re gonna have burgers. We’ll also have live music, lots of live music, plenty to go around. So bring the rich girl’s family, I’ll distract the father with a long pointless story about one of my many romantic failures and you the girlie can get drunk.
All I’m saying is that you know that no matter what you’re going to be doing this weekend, nothing will come close in quality to 24 hours of music on two enormous roofs in the heart of New York’s most vibrant art scene. BAM! I can write like a real promoter, I was just fucking with y’all all along.
On a personal note, I’d like to thank Bird Dog for giving me the opportunity to say whatever the hell I wanted and call it promotion. I want to thank you kids for reading (you DID read all these, didn’t you?) and coming along on this magical journey. The blog isn’t totally dead yet, I’m sure we’ll have a postgame wrap-up at the end of the weekend with pictures and other things, but until then, it’s been a blast. Find me during the festival and let’s chat.
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